Revitalizing Transportation: Say Goodbye to E-toll, Starting 2024 E-toll tapping to be Phased Out, Here’s What’s Coming!

The government is planning to eliminate the use of toll cards at all toll gates starting in 2024. Instead, the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) will introduce a touchless non-cash transaction system known as Multilane Free Flow (MLFF). Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimuljo, asserts that the MLFF payment system will allow vehicles to pass through toll gates without stopping or opening vehicle windows. However, for the payment, it will automatically deduct the balance from the electronic money application.

While the technology for this system is ready, Basuki acknowledges that the main challenge lies in its implementation to the public. Nevertheless, he is optimistic that the process will run smoothly. The MLFF implementation trial has commenced on the Bali-Mandara toll road, marking a transition process similar to the shift from cash transactions to non-cash transactions with e-money cards.

In the initial stage, the transition trial from tapping e-toll to MLFF will be applied to lane 4 of the Ngurah Rai Toll Gate, with full implementation planned for all lanes in March 2024. Clear public awareness campaigns will be conducted regarding the toll-free payment technology at exit tolls, and prominent information boards for MLFF trial lanes will be installed.

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The Director of Toll Roads at the Directorate General of Highways of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Triono Junoasmono, added that the initial trial began in November 2023 and will refine the readiness of equipment and simulations. The limited trial launch, especially for government employee vehicles, is scheduled to take place from December 12, 2023, to January 2024.

The distinction between E-Toll payments and MLFF technology lies in how transactions are conducted. MLFF enables toll transactions to occur at normal speeds without physical contact, while E-Toll uses electronic money cards that need to be tapped at toll gates. Although both are cashless payment methods, MLFF claims to reduce transaction time to 0 seconds as it does not require stopping at toll gates and opening windows to tap E-Toll cards.(LI/AM)

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