
Will Smith’s Reaction After Reciting the Quran, Gives Many New Lessons

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Actor Will Smith recently made an interesting statement about himself having read the Quran up to 30 juz. This then made this popular Hollywood actor get a lot of attention, especially from Muslims.

The revelation that he had recited the Quran was featured on the Big Time Podcast hosted by Egyptian journalist, Amr Adeeb. During the podcast, Smith shared his spiritual journey and his deep appreciation for the Quran. Smith even revealed that he had read the Muslim holy book “cover to cover” last Ramadan.

Smith revealed “The last two years of my life have been a difficult time and my intentions went inward and I read all the holy books, I’ve been reading the Quran cover to cover during Ramadan. It’s a spiritual quest phase of my life.” This spiritual journey was intended to find peace after two years ago he had caused an uproar in the entertainment world after slapping Chris Rock on the Oscar stage.

From this, Smith admitted that he had experienced a difficult time over the past two years. Therefore, he tried to get to know himself better. Furthermore, Smith then discussed the contents of the Quran that he had read. “I was surprised how much Moses was mentioned. Through the Quran, I learned the story of Moses and his experiences.” “I feel connected to Moses from his experiences,” he continued. Not only that, The Pursuit of Happyness actor also mentioned that he liked the simplicity of the Quran which made it easier for him to read the book.

Will Smith also expressed surprise at the similarities between the holy books of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. “I was surprised how much it was like a story, from the Torah through the Bible and into the Quran. I never fully understood Abraham as a father and then the parting of ways with Isaac and Ishmael and it was beautiful to be able to complete that understanding.” In addition to admiring the Quran, Will Smith also admits his admiration for Saudi Arabia that he feels at home traveling back and forth to the country. (CHA/ASM)

Tags: #WillSmithKhatamAlQuran, #Hollywood Actor, #Ramadhan2024

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