Source: CNN Indonesia

Source: CNN Indonesia

A Mysterious Man Shot The Prime Minister of Slovakia!

As reported by CNN Indonesia, Slovakia is in the middle of mourning after Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot by an unidentified person on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 after attending a cabinet meeting in the city center of Handlova. Prime Minister Fico was rushed to the hospital in critical condition when the incident occurred. How did this incident happen? What was the motive of the shooter? What is the condition of Prime Minister Robert Fico? Let’s check out the explanation below!

Source: Media Indonesia
Source: Media Indonesia

1. The condition of Prime Minister Robert Fico

   It was known that Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot five times during the incident and was immediately rushed to the hospital in Banska Bystrica in critical condition. Prime Minister Fico received medical treatment and surgery when it was known some bullets that penetrated the abdomen and joints. Prime Minister Fico’s condition is reported to have passed the critical period. This was conveyed by the Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia, Tomáš Taraba

2. Suspect Arrested

Source: Dunia-Tempo
Source: Dunia-Tempo

Security forces arrested and detained the unidentified man immediately after the incident. According to Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok, the motive for the shooting attempt was political. The suspicion was raised because the suspect did this after the presidential election and the spread of hate speech. According to rumors, the only victim of the incident was Prime Minister Robert Fico.

Source: CNN Indonesia
Source: CNN Indonesia

3. Response of World Leaders

   Leaders such as US President Joe Biden, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have condemned and denounced the shooting attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. Prayers and condolences were also given by the entire people. (ANH/ASM)

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