The COVID-19 outbreak greatly affected the world economy including Indonesia. The statement was conveyed by President Joko Widodo frankly in his meeting with a number of retired TNI-Polri and Indonesian Veterans Legion at the Bogor Presidential Palace, Friday (19/6/2020). Jokowi said that the economic conditions in Indonesia will be heavy, especially in the second quarter of 2020.
Quoted from page,Jokowi said “I have to be telling you. In this second quarter we will be minus. Maybe between minus 3 to 3.8 percent. Our estimate is like that.”
Currently, all sectors of the economy in Indonesia are affected, be it the banking sector or conglomerates and also large businesses to small businesses. This condition is certainly not only experienced by Indonesia, but also experienced by almost all countries affected by COVID-19.
Based on data from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (EOCD), economic growth in various countries in the world will fall and is now entering a severe economic crisis due to COVID-19. Various countries of the world must make every effort to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic which not only caused a health crisis, but also created an economic and financial market crisis.
In this difficult economic condition, President Jokowi said that the government will not remain silent. The government ensures that the economy of the Indonesian people will be helped by the provision of social assistance which has begun to be provided to the community within one and a half months and will continue until the state of the Indonesian economy improves. (PTRY / NIS)
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