Source: https://www.klikaktual.com/

In connection with World Children’s Day, we will discuss something interesting, namely the personality of children. Personality is universal and inherent in a human being because no child is born with the same personality. Each child must have traits, behaviors, and personalities that make them different from other children. We can see this personality when humans are in the childhood phase. These different traits bring out the diversity and uniqueness of each child. But on the one hand, this difference is quite difficult, especially in terms of building relationships and understanding each other.

There are several kinds of children’s personalities written by Florance Littauer. The division of this personality type is one of the most widely used as a way of knowing a person’s personality. Here are 4 types of child personality, namely:

  1. Sanguinis

Sanguine children are known as friendly, energetic, cheerful, and talkative individuals. These kids have lots of ideas and love to talk about it, whether it’s serious, or just to lighten the mood. Sanguine children tend to have high social skills. This causes them to get used to seeking attention, support, or recognition from those around them. Sanguinis also usually have an emotional nature, sensitive to what people think about him. These children need guidance from parents, especially in terms of regulating their feelings and thinking before acting.

Source: https://www.dfunstation.com/

  1. Melancholy

Different from the sanguine type who likes to talk, melancholy is known as a calm and quiet child. They are true lovers of solitude and tranquility. Melancholic children also have the characteristics of a thinker, perfectionist, and do not like to be disturbed. They are used to doing their work alone, even so the results are always systematic and timely. The perfectionist nature of melancholy make them easily disappointed and pessimistic when their efforts and hard work didn’t match the expected results. Even if they choose to be alone, these children actually need support, sensitivity, and understanding from others, especially from their parents. Support from the closest people makes them more enthusiastic in doing their activities. They also love it when family and their friends give these children space to create and work.

  1. Phlegmatic

Phlegmatic children are often seen as shy and seem boring. When in fact they are a good listener and humble. Phlegmatic has other characteristics such as being consistent, calm, attentive, and not in a hurry. These children are used to doing things optimally when motivated. Children with the phlegmatic type have several negative traits, such as being indifferent to their surroundings and often procrastinating on work. Plegmatic children need encouragement from their parents to be more courageous in speaking and expressing themselves. Apart from that, parents can also guide these children to be more organized, especially so they don’t procrastinate on work.

  1. Choleric

The choleric personality type is attached to a firm character, likes challenges, acts quickly, and is goal oriented. Choleric children are passionate children and like to do exciting things. After this personality is similar to children with sanguine characters, they both like to seek attention and appreciation from other people. The difference is that choleric tend to do their job haphazardly and impatiently. Making them stubborn individuals who are also insensitive to other people’s feelings. These children need to get used to solving problems with a cool head through good communication. They also need to be guided to be able to respect others more.

Source: https://kumparan.com/

Actually there are many benefits that you get by knowing the child’s personality. For one thing, this knowledge helps you determine how to play a role in their development. By knowing the nature and character of the child, parents are able to know the weaknesses and strengths of the child. In addition, parents will better understand the behavior patterns of the child, including the way they act on a daily basis. Knowing this allows you to better understand how to best communicate with them, whether it’s when giving advice, or when you are entertaining them.



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